
Monday, October 19, 2020

From Surgery Recovery to Radiation - September 22nd to October 19th


Today marks exactly two months since my major surgery to remove the mucinous carcinoma that had invaded my chest wall. Every day I feel better than the day before. Just as I began to feel like I had largely recovered from the effects of surgery, (fatigue, lack of motivation and shortness of breath), I had to face radiation. 

The first hurdle was getting my insurance company to agree to cover the 30 treatments suggested by my radiation oncologist, with 25 focussed on the breast and an additional five focussed on the chest wall. My radiation oncologist did everything she could to limit the possibility of radiation burn by prescribing lotions that are applied four times a day.

Today I go for my 10th treatment of 30. It's gone pretty smoothly so far. One side effect I did not anticipate was some degree of nausea. However, I'm optimistic about getting through radiation with minimal negative effects.

So what has helped? In addition to the support of my husband, who understands my need for additional sleep, I've received a lot of comfort from our rescue dog, Adie. 

We rescued Adie four years ago. I call her the "Toothless Wonder." She had been in a puppy mill where her only function was to give birth to multiple litters of puppies.

Bill thinks she seems to understand that something happened to me, and she will happily lay alongside my leg in my recliner as long as I want to be there. 

I think of her as my "Cancer Comfort Care Companion." I find it to be quite soothing to have her near me and truly wanting to be so close.

So here is to Adie, who along with my human companions, has helped me realize that I will recover. It's so important to have that support.