
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Women's History Month -The Women in My Family

I've read several posts this month in which the contributions of women have been acknowledged.  It made me think about the women who are responsible for my existence.  As I have said many times -- I come from a long line of strong women.

Pictured in the collage above are both my maternal and paternal foremothers. Starting in the top row:

Me - Kathleen Ann Jones Hellmann Reed
My Mother - Virginia Roseanna Ryan Jones Godar Klug
My Maternal Grandmother - Virginia Elizabeth Vonderheide Ryan
My Maternal Great-Grandmother - Anna Catherine Moser Vonderheide
My Maternal Grandfather's Mother - Mary "Rose" Agnes Pauline Gross Ryan

My Paternal Grandmother - Norine Lucy Dailey Cronin Jones
My Paternal Great-Grandmother - Lucy Probert Cronin
My Paternal Grandfather's Mother - Rachel Adela Wainright Jones
My Paternal Grandfather's Grandmother - Mary Elizabeth Darby Wainright
My Paternal Grandfather's Paternal Grandmother - Elizabeth Kinley Jones

Three were widowed and had to figure out how to raise very young children on their own.
Three were seamstresses with a real passion for sewing.  One of these was also a milliner.
Only my mother married after having been widowed -- twice.
They are Irish, English, German and Pennsylvania Dutch.
Most lived relatively long lives, with the exception of Rachel who died at the age of 41 of "consumption."
They had from to two to nine children, averaging five.
They range from women who can trace their ancestors to the Revolutionary War and first-generation Americans.
They are me -- and I am grateful for all of them.


  1. Very nice post Kathy. I love how you did the photos!

  2. Lisa,
    I got the idea for the collage from another blogger -- I asked her if I could steal her idea and she said I could. Now I have to remember who I have to think.


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