
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's May, it's May -- The Lusty Month of May!

In Cincinnati last month we missed the all-time monthly rainfall record by 0.16 of an inch.  Only January 1937 had more rain and that was the year of the '37 Flood.  May has started out with more than two inches of rain in two days.  With all of this rain, I just had to cheer myself up by focusing on the May flowers all over my yard.  Enjoy -- and drier days and sunshine just have to be on the way.


  1. These are all in your yard right now? How beautiful and cheerful! These are lovely photos!

  2. Yes -- I took pictures of all of them yesterday in a little break in the rain.

  3. Your flowers are beautiful. I think we're right behind you in the rain category! Now that April's behind us, we should be moving past "April showers" with more May flowers and less rain! It just seems to keep falling. I wish we could send it west so they could keep it for when they'll need it later in the summer!

  4. Nancy,
    I agree. Since you live in central Ohio, I know you can identify.

  5. LOVE the bleeding heart. That was THE flower of my childhood. It always bloomed just before my birthday... Great job. Glad you had your 5 minutes of sunshine. Seems to be all we're getting in the midwest this year.


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