
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Where Are You Going My Little One, Little One . . .

Elizabeth Hellmann Varga and Loved Ones - Click to Enlarge
I guess you have to be of a "certain age" to remember the Kodak commercial with the song that asks, "Where are you going?"  It is called "Turn Around" and it comes to me as I think of the life I've shared with my daughter, whose birthday was yesterday. If you decide to click on the link, stay until the end for a memory of the kinds of camera, flash, and film we used to think were so "cutting edge."

So what can I say -- I'm a proud mother of one.  My husband likes to say that we are "joined at the hip" and I guess we are.  Liz is probably my greatest blessing.  We've done it together from the beginning.  I'm feeling all sentimental when I look at the old pictures of her.  I could write about her forever, but I'm afraid it would just get all mushy.

So I think I'll stop here -- for now.  She knows how much I love her and how proud I am of her as a wife and mother.  Happy birthday, Liz, a day late.



  1. I don't remember the commercial but I do remember the song. Very nice card!

  2. I sort of remember that commercial. And the card is absolutely wonderful.

  3. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I do remember the song. Lovely collage full of wonderful memories for you both.

  4. So many memories in your collage. It's a good feeling to have a daughter that's also your best friend...I have two!

  5. Oh what a beautiful post! Happy birthday to your daughter! :)

  6. What a lovely collage! Happy birthday to your daughter! I don't remember the commercial - how sweet it was but I do know the song.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Wonderful mosaic... Yes, I do remember that commercial... Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter!

  8. Sweet post...and I have to say...I understand. I feel the same way about my "kids"...even as young adults they still make us feel all mushy.

  9. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I feel the same way about each of my children. I can easily get emotional when it comes to them.

  10. What a beautiful birthday collage of your daughter. Happy Birthday:)

  11. What a sweet collage and a beautiful tribute to your daughter.


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