
Monday, September 12, 2011

The Windows of Venice

San Marco Square
Venice, Italy
I just returned from a wonderful trip to six European countries:  Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.  The trip included a 10-day cruise with additional days before and after the cruise.  The whole trip was put together by my cousin and genealogy buddy, Barbara Pharo.

One of the places we visited was Venice, Italy.  I fell in love with the architecture, especially the diversity of windows.  I thought I would share some of my favorites by putting together a couple of collages.

In order to do this vacation justice, I would have to start a whole separate blog.  So let me just say that it was a wonderful adventure for the nine people who were fortunate enough to go.


  1. Love these photos, Kathy. It's wonderful how focusing on one theme can share the sense of a place.

  2. I thought I posted something, but guess it didn't go through. I do hope you will blog your trip. We need to appreciate other countries styles and decor. The windows are amazing. Looking forward to hearing about your trip and some pictures too. Betty A.

  3. Thanks, Betty. Your comment did go through. I've written to you separately with a link to the pictures and info about the software I use to create these collages.

  4. Doors and windows - they say so much about a town - the flowers, the colours - beautiful.

  5. What an amazing trip this must have been. Your window mosaics are just magnificent!

  6. Every time I see beautiful shots like these of Venice I could kick myself for only visiting Florence and Rome. That was a big mistake because now I will never make that trip again. Love all the beautiful windows. What charm they have, and your captures and collection are lovely. genie

  7. Wow, what a fabulous trip! I love all the beautiful windows you have collected here. Thanks so much for sharing at MM. :)

  8. Thanks for sharing these lovely images. It looks like it was a fantastic trip. Lucky you!

  9. Oh, I dream of Venice....
    Thanks for sharing this great mosaic, have a nice week.

  10. How wonderful to be able to take a trip like this. I, too, really enjoy the architecture in Europe. It seems there is something cool to see around every corner.
    Have a great week.


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