
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We Are Grateful!

This is the final post written by my brother, Tom.  This particular post was written ten years ago, but I decided to publish it last.  It just seemed to be a good way to finish up this series.  The message is one of "gratefulness."  As 2011 comes to an end, I am grateful!  Thank you so much for reading and commenting on these posts throughout December.  I join with my brother in wishing all of you a blessed and Merry Christmas.
The Jones Family (minus the Munis), Christmas, 2010

2000 years ago the angels appeared to the shepherds in the Bethlehem hills and declared, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior who is Christ the Lord." Well the world has not been the same since.  We all celebrate Christmas in our own way and with our own reverence to God our creator.  Although we are different in our celebration, there is a thread that is common to all.  The Holiday Season is a time to reflect on our blessings, enjoy family friends and food. 

God has blessed all of us with special gifts and all too often it is easy to take for granted those that we have.  I can remember my grandfather telling me the greatest gift one can have is their family.  Well, I was one of seven children with five of them younger than I was. Frankly, I just didn’t understand that comment.  Another elderly family member would explain to us that our health was more precious than any gift we could have.  Well, as a youngster, I had caught a cold and even the flu once or twice but I just didn’t see health as that big a deal!  The minister would tell us our greatest gift was world peace, but what did that mean?  And of course, we would be reminded of the gift of being born in America, yet everyone I knew had that gift.

Today the youthful innocence of years passed seems to be a lifetime ago, but I look back fondly on those memories.  Now I am the one who stands in the gap at the head of our family, as my grandparents and parents have long ago passed.  Although I consider myself to be young at 51 years  (now 61) I can tell you that this holiday season I will be grateful for my family, health and the freedom afforded by these United States of America.  And for me, a savior who is Christ the Lord.  I hope I never again take these gifts for granted.


  1. Beautiful! Merry Christmas, Kathy and Tom and to your entire family!

  2. Kathy thank you for sharing. With YDNA on sale had you thought about a FTYDNA for the JONES line?

    It is amazing how your kin and mine look so alike.Have a Blessed and Safe Christmas and Joyous New Year.


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