
Friday, December 30, 2011

How Did I Do? Looking Back on My Genealogy Goals for 2011

Looking Back on 2011 Genealogical Goals

1) I want to continue exploring new software and apply what I learn to my blog posts. I have been exploring Google Earth and how to use it to create "tours" from one place to another where my ancestors lived -- particularly in the East End.  I'm also trying to learn how to upload pictures I have to their site.  I've also edited some recordings that included my family singing "Happy Birthday" to my niece 24 years ago.  I incorporated this sound track into a photoshow I created.

2) Linking to GeneaBloggers has increased the traffic to this blog and enabled me to benefit from others who have a passion for blogging about their family history. I want to try to read as many other blogs as time will allow. Due to the introduction of Google+ during 2012, I feel like I'm beginning to cultivate a real community of bloggers.  We read each others' posts and provide support as needed.  I'm so grateful to my Geneablogger buddies.
3) I have six ancestors who served in the Civil War. Since 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War, I want to tell what I can of their stories and recognize their service. I wrote up posts on three of my six Civil War ancestors.  I also submitted my research on them to the Ohio Genealogical Society's Civil War Lineage Group.  They were approved.  I have three more to go.

4) Hopefully, I will collaborate with our local genealogical society and public library to help teach others how to set up a blog and share their own family histories with the rest of us. This is one of my proudest accomplishments.  I taught a 4-part course on creating a family history blog in conjunction with our wonderful Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.  About 10 people stuck with it.  I'm already scheduled to do two "overview sessions" on blogging with two local genealogical groups.  I hope to teach another course in 2012.

5) I want to treat myself to the Ohio Genealogical Society conference to be held the end of March in Columbus, Ohio. The conference coincides with my birthday. I hope to be accepted as a member of their Century Families and Civil War lineage groups based on applications already submitted. I also submitted an article for a Writing Contest they sponsor annually. If I "win" my article will be published in their quarterly journal.  My article did not "win," but it was good enough to be published in the OGS Quarterly.  I attended my first OGS Conference with my cousin, Barbara Pharo, in Columbus, Ohio.  I really learned a lot and look forward to attending my first NGS Conference in 2012 since it is being held in Cincinnati.  I also qualified for the Century Families lineage groups at both the county at state levels.

6) I hope to overcome my distaste for formal citations. For Christmas, my husband gave me a a copy of Elizabeth Shown Mills book, Evidence Explained. Maybe this will make this task more tolerable.
I did NOT overcome my distaste for writing formal citations.  However, I discovered that my genie buddy, Liz Stratton, was only too willing to help.  I also learned a lot from the OGS Quarterly Editor,
Margaret Arnold, who helped me properly source everything for the article they published.

7) I still have a couple of ancestors I need to flesh out -- Elizabeth Kinley Jones was Pennsylvania Dutch. Her husband, Alexander Jones, was allegedly born in Chillicothe, Ohio -- something I need to prove. I would also like to prove when John Cronin and Lucy Cronin died in Kentucky -- definitely brick walls for me. I was able to prove that John Cronin died two years before my grandmother was born, proving once and for all that he was NOT her father.  You can search this blog for John Cronin.  It's a very interesting story.  I didn't make any progress on the other three ancestors so I'll have to continue researching them in 2012.

8) I hope to go to the Ohio Historical Society as I read that they have put together a substantial amount of information re: Ohio units in the Civil War. This may give me a fuller picture of the service of my ancestors.  I went to the Ohio Historical Society and was unable to take full advantage of their collection.  However, I was able to get the Mental Health records for my great-grandfather, Charles C. Gross.  I also visited the Columbus Metropolitan Library and know that they will be a tremendous resource for me in the future.

9) One of the biggest accomplishments of 2010 was meeting and collaborating with a second and third cousin I met through Ancestry. I hope we can continue collaborating in 2011.  I hit the jackpot meeting my cousin, Barbara Pharo.  Not only did we attend the OGS Conference together but plan to attend the NGS Conference in Cincinnati in May 2012.  Due to a last-minute cancellation, I was able to go on a 17-day vacation that included an 11-day cruise.  We traveled through parts of Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy.  I got to know Barbara's two daughters, friends, and her brother-in-law who also went on this trip.  WHAT A GIFT!!!

10) Finally, I hope for continued good health, an improving economy for all, and more time devoted to exercise and other priorities. I am thankful for my many blessings and look forward to 2011. Here is wishing all who read this a happy 2011!  I certainly did not do everything I needed to do in terms of exercise.  After putting on a few pounds cruising, I became discouraged and lost any motivation I had.  But tomorrow starts a new year, and I really do want to do better in this category.  I remained healthy as did my husband.  We will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow.  I have a two day old grandson.  I hope we've turned the corner with this horrible economy and the extended suffering of so many of my fellow countrymen.  What will 2012 bring?

Grandma Kathy and Andrew


  1. Happy New Year, Kathy. You have had a great year, now, go for it, and do a repeat (or even better) for 2012.

  2. Happy anniversary and congratulations on the new grand-leaf on your tree. I wish you the best in 2012.


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