
Monday, January 16, 2012

Hats of My Ancestors

The theme for Sepia Saturday was hats.  I had so much fun featuring them in my previous post.  I thought it would be fun to combine some of these hats into a couple of collages.

Until I enlarged my grandmother's wedding picture, I had never noticed the detail in the hat worn by my Great-Aunt Florence pictured in the upper right hand corner.  What a beautiful hat and what a beautiful woman wore it.

I got a little feedback from the "guys" in my family wanting some equal time.  I didn't have as many pictures to choose from, but here are a few special hats.

Pictured clockwise are my grandfather, "Pop", my brother, Ted, three sailors including my Great-Uncle James Ryan and James Ryan himself.

I have to admit that there is no way I would EVER want to wear a hat, but there is nothing more elegant!

For examples of this and other collages, please visit Mosaic Monday at Little Red House.


  1. Such fun. I've so few hat pictures. Mother wore them all the time, but I have almost no pictures of her wearing a hat. These are grand!

  2. As always, I love your collages! The hats ain't half bad either! :-))

  3. Very good, to see the different hats from your ancestors. Beautiful !

  4. Love the Hat collection. I love them but seldom wear them any more.But if I thought more of my skin I probably should.

  5. Well, that was fun! My second-last post was a question about hats. I should have come here!

  6. Kathy, I loved the hats. I know Joyce would. She always loves these types of hats.


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