
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why I Can't Grow Roses . . .

Three Bucks in My Backyard
It's Mother's Day 2012!  I'm happily recovering at home from the National Genealogical Society Conference that was held in Cincinnati this year.  I stayed in a downtown hotel with my cousin, Barbara Pharo, and had the opportunity to meet several of the bloggers I follow in person.  It was a great week!

At 4:30, I decided it was time for a glass of wine. Imagine my surprise when I looked out my kitchen window and saw three bucks staring back at me!  Over the years, I've tried to grow roses, only to come out and see that they have been nicely nibbled by the deer that frequent our neighborhood, but not typically so early in the day.

They patiently waited for me to switch out lenses so I could capture them close up.  It's hard to be mad at them when they are standing there so majestically checking them out.  Unfortunately, I opened the storm door to get a picture that did not include the screen. At that point, our little poodle Zippy, decided to take them on. Here is a picture of one of them trying to make a hasty exit.


Zippy meets Andrew

Needless to say, it's a good thing that the deer ran away as Zippy ran out of the door to take them on.  He does look ferocious, doesn't he? Happy Mother's Day to all.


  1. Lovely photos! I think I'd happily trade roses for the deer but then I think of the possums eating my plants...perhaps not. Still lovely to see them and that's one scary dog ;-)

  2. Kathy-
    How wonderful it was to meet you in person. I had a great time at NGS and your local group did an amazing job of handling details.

    Love the photos of deer - obviously you don't live IN Cincinnati. My husband and I often go for evening drives looking for deer and these are beautiful! Recently all we've seen are turkeys.

  3. I live IN Cincinnati and there are deer in Northside and Clifton. Mt. Airy forest is the home to many many deer and it is right near my house.


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