
Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Picture-Perfect Christmas

I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family. We just added Tyler Michael Jones to the clan on December 22nd. Because of distance, several families and their children were not able to attend this year, but I know they feel the love. Don and Frani hosted the annual Christmas Eve celebration. Although we couldn't all be there, we were delighted that so many of our grandchildren could attend. Here is the 2012 picture.

Roland is holding Andrew, Melissa is holding John, Mark is holding Ben and Santa Don has Ian, Mae and Savannah on his lap.

There I too many pictures from Christmas this year to share in any kind of meaningful way -- so I made a few collages.
Andrew Meets Santa

Andrew on Christmas Morning

Santa in upper-left hand corner with Savannah, Mae, Ian and John (facing Santa).

These collages contain only half the pictures I took that day. I apologize for the obvious omission of adults. But Christmas for me this year was all about the blessing of the Jones grandchildren (or g-grandchildren of my parents). And for them, I am grateful. They light up our lives.

My blessings, Andrew and Ian 2012

Welcome to the family Tyler Michael Jones
Born December 22, 2012
Son of Brian and Shannon


  1. Kathy ,What a beautiful family for the holiday. I always enjoyed your stories about some of your ancestors ( Proberts, the Norine Jones mystery , ect ) . Plus , your RIVER blog . I thought I would let you know that I listed you in my nominations for the "Wonderful Team Member Readership Award", which you can get more information on by going to:

    Magda (

    1. Magda,
      Thank you for the kind words and for becoming a "follower." I also appreciate you selecting my blogs for the "Wonderful Team Member Readership Award." Are you aware that my son-in-law is of Hungarian descent? His parents defected from Hungary and ended up in Venezuela where he was born. Hungarian is his first language. His name is Imre Roland Varga.

      I haven't been able to write for my family blogs as much as I would like to. I coordinate our Hamilton Co. Genealogical Society blog and I'm currently writing for a blog promoting the Ohio Genealogical Society Conference to be held in Cincinnati in April.

      You may be interested to know that I am preparing a talk I'm giving the end of this month on John Cronin, husband of Lucy Cronin, who committed suicide at the age of 33 leaving her a poor widow with five children. He was buried three times at least. You can search for him on the Family Matters blog. I've found out a lot using historical newspapers.

  2. Kathy, are you okay? You haven't posted for a while. I hope everything's okay. I've come to bestow an award. It's the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award and you're receiving it because you so often visit my blog and leave comments. You can read my post at and get the badge if you'd like. Thanks for being such a great supporter of my blog, Kathy, by reading, visiting, and commenting. I appreciate it!

  3. Fabulous pictorial record Kathy... I particularly loved the collages and "Ian explaining to Santa" is captivating. Many thanks, Catherine.

    1. Catherine, Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love that picture with Ian and Santa, too.

  4. Kathy-
    How wonderful to have so much family! It is strange how some families flourish and others can just wither away in only a generation or two. My great grandmother was one of seven siblings but only two married and had children. I have three children, two married but I am about to be a grandmother for only the second time and they live on the other side of the country - a common ailment today. Just as this grandchild is arriving, the first one is eighteen and ready to fly off on her own. I can tell how much you enjoy those little ones.


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