
Monday, February 23, 2015

What Happened to Kate? - Part 3

I do not know how Kate was able to support herself and her children after Thomas' death -- at least initially. Three years after she purchased her home on North Maysville, she is listed in the 1880 Census as "keeping house." Unfortunately, we do not have the benefit of an 1890 Census, so we have to rely on other documents.

In 1893 after living in the Maysville home for 16 years, Kate sold her home in 1893.What's interesting about this sale is that the owners include Kate, but also her adult daughters Mary Lou and Maude, and Maude's husband James Casey.

The sale included the following:
It is understood between Mrs. Kate Probert, Mrs Mary Lou Gorman and Mrs. Maud Casey and her husband James Casey that the said three thousand dollars is to be paid to T. F. Rogers to be invested by him under the direction of Mrs. Kate Probert in real estate, bank stock, bonds, or building . . ." It is designated that these assets, including interest, is for her use during her natural life, then to be divided equally among her two daughters.

By the 1900 Census, Kate and her extended family were living on Sycamore Street. In addition to Kate, her household included:

  • Mary Lou Gorman, daughter, age 34, widowed, mother of four children with two living. She is listed as a "trained nurse."
  • Katie Gorman, granddaughter, age 18, at school
  • Ida Gorman, granddaughter, age 11, at school
  • Maud Casey, daughter, age 28, widowed, mother of two children with one living, dressmaker.
  • Maud Casey, granddaughter, age 3
  • Maggie Story, granddaughter, age 26, seamstress

It is surprising that both daughters are widowed at ages 34 and 26 respectively. The other surprise is that Maggie Story is the daughter of Addie, Kate's stepdaughter. And as we shall see in the next post, Kate is ill.


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