
Friday, July 24, 2020

How My Husband and I Differ on Car Repairs

Bill and I looked at our calendars and realized that we actually had a week with no doctor's appointments scheduled. We both felt it would be a good time for us to get away for a couple of days to keep me from constantly checking for journal articles related to my cancer diagnosis.

Unfortunately, there were additional issues in planning this particular getaway. Covid 19 cases were escalating in Ohio and many surrounding states. Given our health factors, we had to plan a getaway that would allow us to protect ourselves from contracting the virus.

After careful consideration, we decided to take our Rad electric bikes to Cleveland and ride the Ohio to Erie Trail toward Cincinnati. I should probably clarify that Bill would be riding the trail and I would be providing car support, picking him up at the end of each day. Bill has wanted to do this for quite awhile, and we felt we could do it safely.

We would leave on Sunday and spend the night with grandchildren in Columbus. We have not been able to be in their house since March. The next morning we would go to Cleveland and do the traditional "tire dip" in Lake Erie at Edgewater Park. He would wear a mask and the trail would not be very crowded on a weekday.

But first we had to get there. It wasn't long before my passenger husband had time to figure out that I had neglected minor repairs on my car. The first clue was when water started dripping on his leg and filling the well on his side of the car. He asked me how long I knew about this, and I sheepily had to say that I had known about it since June 2019 -- only 13 months ago. Then he noticed that his phone wouldn't charge. I finally made a list of our different approach to what I considered to be minor nuisances.

So I guess I've learned my lesson (hopefully). In the next post, I'll tell you about our getaway -- not exactly how we envisioned it.

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