
Friday, August 14, 2020

An Unexpected Ending - Thanks to the Cincinnati Police

When Don Buccheit and I arrived at the Public Landing for the obligatory "wheel dip" in the Ohio River, you were required to pay $5.00 to park your car on the landing. There was a police officer parked next to the entrance. I pulled up right behind him and asked if he would mind if we left the car there for five minutes while we took pictures. He told me that he would let me park in his spot while he parked on the opposite side of the street while we took pictures.

With our task completed, I introduced Bill to Sgt. D. Anderson. We shared the story of Bill's adventure and told him that we were heading over to Christian Moerlein for a beer and a toast. He told Bill that he had something he wanted to give him and to wait for him on the plaza outside of the restaurant.

Imagine our surprise when Officer Anderson showed up with two other police officers, including one who is in the bike patrol. (I wish I had written down their names).

They presented Bill with an official Cincinnati Police Department patch as well as two other items.  The key chain is for the "Pan Ohio Hope Ride," a four-day ride from Cleveland to Cincinnati sponsored by the American Cancer Society.  In addition, they gave him a medal. It is edged with a bike chain surrounding the "Cincinnati Police Department" which it says has been "Pedaling Since 1894." Who knew? The back of the medal is truly a work of art with the Cincinnati skyline in the background.

It must have felt similar to receiving a medal after running a marathon. And the best part was that these three officers were the icing on the cake for Bill's accomplishment.

As promised, we had a celebratory beer and lunch with our friend Don Buchheit. What a wonderful day!

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