
Sunday, October 24, 2021

September 29th to October 24th - A Change in Direction


My new oncologist ordered a Guardant Test, sometimes referred to as a "liquid biopsy." It is designed to pick up levels of circulating tumor DNA found within my bloodstream. It uncovered one mutation in the BCRA2 gene (meaningless) and a tumor burden that was too low to be meaningful. However, in light of the other scan evidence, she felt that I should begin a fulvestrant + verzenio treatment regimen so as not to regret not doing it in the future.

It’s hard for me to do this because I continue to feel good. I’ve been told that the side effects (hopefully) will be manageable and probably worse in the first month. As three oncologists have recommended this, I’m going to give it my best shot, knowing I can stop it if it messes too much with my quality of life.

My oncologist has also ordered a CT Scan to serve as a baseline. That happens November 1st. I’ll let you know if there are any interesting results. I'm thankful for my many blessings.

As I mentioned in my last post, my husband and I had breakthrough Covid, as did about eight people in our circle of friends. In all cases but one, we received the monoclonal antibody infusion, and recovered quickly. One of our friends did not get it because he was unsure of when he was exposed and, though hospitalized, his doctors felt that it was too many days from exposure. After struggling for more than seven weeks, he died this past Friday. He had no underlying health conditions. We are heartbroken.So let this be a warning -- if you get breakthrough Covid, please insist on getting the antibody infusion. It could save your life.

I've made the decision to eliminate all of my genealogical commitments. I will no longer agree to be a speaker and have resigned from being a Board member on the Hamilton County Genealogical Society. I'm also giving up my DNA Interest Group and will be closing down a group on Gedmatch. I find that as much as genealogy has been a 20-year passion, I can no longer keep up with all of the advances in genetic genealogy and do not have the interest in getting up to speed in this ever-changing field. I am selfishly focusing on myself. 

Thanks for being a part of my journey.



  1. Kathy, I am so happy that you are feeling 'good' and yet keeping up with the regimen your doctors are proposing. I can feel the pain of your loss of that friend and hope that others will follow your advice. I am sorry to hear of your decision to withdraw from all things genealogy because I marveled at your past commitment to research and service to others. I have a selfish motive too because the story of your Jones family ancestor and my relatives in Mt. Sterling was A basis for what I was hopeful in creating at the Chestnut St. site in Loveland as a Family History Research Institute that could hopefully OVERCOME and Heal the divisions based upon the past and use those stories like ours as a means of bringing people closer together and living lives fully embracing one another in spite of the acknowledgement of past inconvenient truths. I will always thank you and be appreciative for your friendship.

  2. Thanks for your transparency. Take care of yourself - there's nothing wrong with that. If there's anything I can do, just let me know. Consistently are you in my prayers...

  3. Hugs and continued prayers. I've been thinking of you.


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