
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Angie, The Christmas Tree Angel

As I mentioned in my last post, my family has had many recent conversations about the songs we remember from our youth.  My brother, Tim, called last week to see if I remembered the song my Dad would sing each year when we placed the angel on the top of our Christmas tree.  Immediately, I started singing "Sweet Angie, the Christmas tree angel ... on the top, tippy tippy top of the tree..."  Of course, if the song had any more words, I could not recall any.

I searched for the song online and was able to quickly find out that the Andrews Sisters had recorded this song in the 50's.  I keep being surprised to discover that the "old songs" my parents would sing were actually contemporary songs released in the time they were singing them.

For those reading this who need a little refresher on the song, I've put together a little photoshow.  I'll bet my siblings will quickly recall the song and that the younger generation will never have heard it.  It's not one of those Christmas songs that has lived on to become part of our collective Christmas psyche.

Let me make a suggestion -- unless you are really into 50's music, I'd stop playing it after the chorus.  If, on the other hand, you love the Andrews Sisters,  play away.
Merry Christmas!

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