
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

My Mom and Dad would be so proud!  Each year, Don (AKA Santa) and Frani host us at their home on Christmas Eve.  Most of the "cousins" alternate Christmas and Thanksgiving with the Joneses and their in-laws.  This was the year that everyone, with the exception of Greg and the Miami Munis, was there for Christmas Eve.  Frani's brother came up with the idea of taking a picture of all of us from above.  He managed to get everyone's faces.

This year we had seven of the "newest" generation and we know by next Christmas that there will be a couple of more additions.  Mom and Dad could not have imagined such a happy, healthy, blessed family.

On Christmas Day, Tom and Linda hosted all of us for Christmas dinner.  This time Greg and Marlena were also able to attend.  I'm amazed that our children came from Akron, Atlanta, Columbus, Minneapolis, Washington, D.C. and Chicago.  I think all of us are grateful that they are happy to "come home."

Ian and Bill
In keeping with the family history aspects of these postings, I tried to be aware of some Jones family traditions.  On Christmas Day, Bill and I pulled out a sled that I and my siblings shared when we were children.  When Liz was young, Bill "rebuilt it."  He had to replace a couple of boards and he wrote to the makers of the Flexible Flyer to get a replacement decal.  We anticipated the day when we would be able to pass it on to Ian. This year we were blessed with a white Christmas in Cincinnati giving us the perfect opportunity.  Pictured are Bill and Ian tightening a few nuts and getting the sled ready for Generation #3.

Ian and Roland
Liz and Roland dressed Ian and took him out for his first sled-riding experience.  I think his face says it all.

Since Roland grew up in Caracas, Venezuela, sled-riding was not a part of his experience growing up.  It was fun for us "older folks" to watch Liz, Roland and Ian playing in the snow.

Liz and Ian

Update:   After completing this post, I couldn't resist going to the basement and searching through the old photo albums to find pictures from when Bill originally restored this sled to give to Liz.  Bill and I do not recognize the "parents."  Was my hair ever brown?  Was I ever thin?  Who is that young guy that doesn't have white hair and beard?  Boy, we're getting old.


  1. What a wonderful photo! Hope you had a good holiday as well! (I see Santa even made it your house! ;)

  2. Mom--I love this post too! We really are so blessed. And I think it just really hit me that you and 7 children shared that sled...I can just imagine what it has been through.


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